Dates at a Glance

Monday 8/29—Ashley’s Back to School Night 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8/30—Miss Barnum’s Back to School Night 5:30 p.m.
Thursday 9/1—Mr. Robbins’ Back to School Night 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 9/1—PA MEETING 8:45 a.m. VCS campus
Monday 9/5—No School–Labor Day Weekend!
Tuesday 9/6—Miss Kristen’s Back to School Night 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday 9/7—Miss Malika’s Back to School Night 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9/13—VCS Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.

COVID-19: What to know for 2022-23

All COVID guidelines from last school year/June remain in effect and unchanged for the start of the school year. CDPH guidelines for K-12 Schools

In case of positive test or exposure, students should …

·   If students test positive for COVID, they should stay home.
·   Families whose students were on-campus during their infectious period should notify the school. Students who do not have symptoms and test negative on Day 5 can end isolation and return to school but wear a mask while around others for five more days.
·   If unable to test (or continue to test positive), students can end isolation after Day 10 if they have been fever-free for 24 hours and have not taken fever-reducing medications.
·   All who test positive should mask around others for a total of 10 days.
·   Students who are close contacts of someone with COVID should test within three to five days of last exposure and should wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days but do not have to stay home unless they  have symptoms or test positive.
·   Masks continue to be strongly recommended but are not required in school settings.

In Memory of Elsie Batten 


This summer this earth lost an inspired and dedicated teacher. Elsie called VCS home for many, many years and now I invite our community, past and present, to please join us in a Celebration of Life for Elsie.

Saturday, October 22nd at 11:am

11 am -12:30 pm: Social with food and refreshments provided
12:30 pm: Sharing memories, stories, and songs
Riverfront Regional Park group picnic area (Redwoods), Healdsburg, Ca|
($7 Parking fee. We are the only group event for the day.)
Please RSVP (to help calculate food and drink, and because the park’s event limit is 75):| 


Thank you, Emma, for the nourishing treats for the staff and your words of support and appreciation.

To ALL the students, families, and staff: I am so grateful for the flexibility and kindness you have shown these past few days! You have approached the unexpected temporary changes with humor and grace. You are all amazing!