Available hours: 7:30 to 8:15 AM & 1:00 to 5:00 PM
Extended Care Fees
- Materials fee is $50.00 per year. This fee applies to anyone who anticipates or intends to use Extended Care for 15 or more hours during the school year.
- Hourly rate is $6.00 per hour.
- A late payment fee will be charged to your account for payments made after the 10 th of the month.
- Hourly rate broken down by the ¼ hour – regardless of how many minutes into the ¼ hour.
- Bills are emailed during the first week of the month – make sure the school has your email address.
- Payments can either be mailed to the school or dropped off in the office.
Program Rules
- You must come into the E/C room and sign your child in and out of the program every day.
- Children not signed out by parent at time of pick up will be signed out by VCS staff at 5:00 PM.
- The school can only be responsible for supervising children signed into extended care.If you need someone else to pickup your child last minute and the person is not on the pick up list, you must call the school and leave a message.
- Every new person picking up must show ID until the E/C staff recognizes you.
- Kindergarten care time begins at 1:00 PM.
- 1 st – 8 th grade care time begins 15 minutes after the end of the school day. 1:15 on Wednesday, 3:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.