Wednesday, February 19, 2025
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 2/13/2025
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Business (discussion/action)
Resolution 2.19.25—Removal of check signers and addition of new signers
March meeting date change to 3/12/25 due to Spring Break and 2 nd interim due date
6. PA Report (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion/action)
8. Admin Report (discussion/action)
Notification of Annual Determination, Title IX Update, Admissions update,
Intersession/Summer Camp, iMac
9. LCAP Mid-Year Review for Parents (discussion/action)
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
11. Adjournment (action)
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 1/17/25
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
5. PA Report (discussion/action)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)–Report out on Intercession and 2025-26 Enrollment
9. 2024 Audit Certification (discussion/action)
10. 2025-26 Calendar (discussion/action)
11. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
12. Adjourn (discussion/action)
1. Roll Call: Rebecca Ivanoff, Kristen Pearce, Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Jeffery McCracken, Jess Truttman, Stacey Collins, Rebecca Schroder
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion): None tonight
5. PA Report (discussion/action)—
● Upcoming events: Creek Clean Up- 4/26, big push to get donations
● Wait until 8th meeting
● Dine and Donate at the Corner Project in Geyserville on 3/30 from 11-8
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action): next meeting is 2/19
7. Teacher Report (discussion):
● Ms Anna and Acorns are exploring habitats together and going on a field trip this friday
● Ms Kristens class has been going on weekly walks with Miss Annas class
● Ms Kristens class went to an LBC show today
● Ms Barnum’s class is beginning skits with Ms Anna’s 3 o’clockers
● Ms Ashley and Mr Matt are going to start working on their play- it will be based on different heritages/cultures with their own folk tales
● Mr. Matt has been working with classes on a hockey tournament
● Ms Parent is back and working around the school doing gardening, math, and service
● Mr Robbins class is working on their class play
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)–
● Report out on Intercession: went well, seemed useful, should we look at doing spring break as well?
● 2025-26 Enrollment: we will be enrolling 10 Tk, about 3-5 Kinders and not much else, we have plenty of applications to pull from
● The parking lot has been unsafe, let’s work together to follow directions, be kind/respectful and safe
● 7th/8th grade basketball got nixed due to lack of participation, 6th grade boys basketball will happen, girls flag football and next year we will participate again
9. 2024 Audit Certification (discussion/action)
● No findings!
● Jess Motions to approve and certify the 2024 audit report, Kristen second, (Carrie obstains) all in favor, motion passes
10. 2025-26 Calendar (discussion/action)
● Jeffery motions to approve the 2025/26 calendar as presented, Jess seconds, all in favor, motion passes
11. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Carrie motions to approve, Jeffery seconds, all approved
12. Adjourn (discussion/action): Adjourned 5:16
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted December 10, 2024
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is
nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion
for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion)—General update, enrollment projections, return plans for AJ and RP
9. 1st Interim Report (discussion/action)
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
11. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Kristen Pearce, Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Jeffery McCracken, Jesslyn Truttman, Eva Acker, Rebecca Schroder,
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion) :
5. PA Report (discussion) —Upcoming events
● Prepping for Solstice Festival decoration
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion)
● Jesse will be absent from January meeting unless it is preferred to be rescheduled- we will
check in with Rebecca and Scott to make plans accordingly
● Brown Act review: meetings are open to all, discussion items must be agendized, agendas
are shared with the public, etc.
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
● Library trips are still happening
● Getting ready for Solstice
● Ms Kristen’s class harvested turnips and made chips and soup
● Ms Barnum has noticed the unhoused people are back in the preserve
● Mr Matt noticed that NWP building is shedding the rotted wood- repair?
● Bathroom discussion- would like to beautify the bathrooms
8. Admin Report (discussion)—General update, enrollment projections, return plans for AJ and RP
● RP and AJ will return in January, ease in at an hourly basis with 3 days a week
● enrollment projection show a heavy middle school
● the rest of these topic wills be tabled for next meeting
9. 1st Interim Report (discussion/action)
● Kristen motion to approve, Carrie second, all approved
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
● Jess motion to approve, Jerrery second, all approved
11. Adjournment (action)
● adjourned 4:50pm
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 11/12/2024
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion/action)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Reschedule December board meeting to 12/11/24. New Board Member Application Eva Acker
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/action)— 65-plus Health and Welfare Plan VCS offers employees who are eligible for Medicare the following Health and Welfare Plan coverage: VCS will cover all Medicare
premiums, not to exceed the amount offered if the employee was covered under the school plan. The employee will submit invoices for premiums to be reimbursed with a taxable stipend.
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjourn to Closed Session (discussion/action)
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Rebecca
Ivanoff, Kristen Pearce, Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Jeffery McCracken, Jess Truttman, Stacey Collins, Eva Acker, Rebecca Schroder
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion): None today
5. PA Report (discussion/action) —Upcoming events:
Next meeting- 12/2
Planning for Winter Solstice 12/19
Will we have an impromptu dance following the Solstice celebration? Can this be a PA brainstorm
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action):
New Board Member Application Eva Acker
Jesse asks- what would you do if you had a conflict of interest? Answer- I would go to Rebecca with questions and seek guidance from the board.
Jesse: how do you handle conflict in general? Answer- I can handle it
Jeffery: are you prepared to keep things private from your family? Answer: Yes
Jeffery: Do you have any resentments from last year’s confusion about the Cesar Chavez festival? Answer- no, I just wanted to hear what it was all about
7. Teacher Report (discussion):
Acorns- storytelling and storm play
Ms Anna’s
Ms Kristen and Mr Matt’s went to the library in the rain today
Ms Barnum- art
Middle School- social justice projects will be presented on Village Friday
All school is getting ready for Winter Solstice
8. Admin Report (discussion/action):
Audit is wrapping up with all demands, things are going well
Fire inspection is completed and any adjustments requested are being fixed
Intercession dates will support access to ELOP money- school will offer care during breaks
We are getting lots of calls for enrollment
65-plus Health and Welfare Plan VCS offers employees who are eligible for Medicare the following Health and Welfare Plan coverage: VCS will cover all Medicare premiums, not to exceed the amount offered if the employee was covered under the school plan. The employee will submit invoices for premiums to be reimbursed with a taxable stipend.
Jesse motions to approve the above option for health care, Carrie second, all approved
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action):
Jesse asks, what is ECF&R?- Answer- a reimbursement using ELOP $ for a student that is eligible for “free and reduced meals” using extended care (to be paid by ELOP money, not the family)
Jeffery motions to approve warrant batch, Stacey second, all in favor/ approved
10. Adjourn to Closed Session (discussion/action): 5 minute recess, Jesse motions to adjourn, Kristen second, all approved
11. Report out from Closed Session: the board has approved Eva Acker’s application for the role of director for an initial one year term (December 2024) which fills the current vacancy on the board
12. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to adjourn, jess second, all approved 5:20pm
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 10/11/24
Revised 10/14/24
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Public Comments
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion/action)—Smart Technology/Wait til 8 Cell Phone Pledge, Discuss upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business—LLC Paperwork (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report—A.D./Coach Stipend, HW 65+ plan. Winter Inter-session (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Rebecca Ivanoff, Kristen Pearce, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Carrie Landis, Jeffery McCracken, Jesslyn Truttman, Stacey Collins, Eva Acker, Rebecca Schroder, Meg Hammil
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion)
Eva- declared interest to join the board
Rebecca Schroder- LGBTQ training brought about a question about gendered costumes (response- this is how we approach costumes already). Student One Library card as an option for our students. (response-many of our students
are getting cards at visits)
Meg- look into museum passes that are included with your library card.
5. PA Report (discussion/action)—Smart Technology/Wait til 8 Cell Phone Pledge, Discuss upcoming events
Big event coming up this weekend- Farm to Table dinner- already made money
Dia de los muertos will be the next PA supported event
Rummage Sale made about $400- the rest will be sold on Facebook market place to reimburse the cost of Walker Creek
Does our money sit in a savings account to collect interest once it has been fundraised?
Is there a date or decision made about the school dance? Response- the emotional response of our students last year has weighed on the decision.
– ideas to have a cultural dance where students learn group dances rather than a free dance situation
– another idea would be to be more spontaneous- such as after solstice
Smart Tech/Wait Until 8th Discussion
Teachers suggested a “club” that parents would support
Jefferey- it feels uncomfortable to present the parent pledge from the board, that we shouldn’t be suggesting a way of parenting
Stacey- it should be parent powered
Rebecca- to compare from the Waldorf type pledge, it just encourages lying. We are comfortable sharing the research on the matter to educate parents while leaving them free to choose.
Jess- A media support group run by parents to provide weekly newsletter, information and support in choosing media for your child/family
Scott- support weaving the path with technology- building on the messages given to older students, put the message into the classroom
Stacey- educating our children on the affects and the way to use technology
Eva- technology transcends politics, parenting, etc and needs to be addressed
Kristen- a standing space in the bulletin and a committee of parents to support filling the space
Rebecca- bring in alumni (HS seniors) to share about how technology changed things for them in high school
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business—LLC Paperwork (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
Miss Rachel- music, Walker Creek Ranch was an amazing experience
Mr Matt- field trip with buddies coming up to a play (Dot, Dot, Dot), visiting the Water Agency, Farm trip with Stephanie (alumni), state project presentations
Ms Barnum- students are presenting their science presentations, fall artwork (3D)
Miss Kristen- annual “survey says” kids get to come up with questions and ask class and buddies and present their surveys and findings project has begun, first official village friday will be hosted next week
Miss Anna- learning about apples, going to LBC next week, children are learning to read
Miss Jess- Farmer’s Market was successful thanks to our middle schoolers, we had our first field trip to the apple farm and kinders will go on a field trip next week to LBC leaving the seeds to have a special day with Miss Jess
Bathroom discussion: lots of pee on the floor, let’s revisit our bathroom lease as well as train students about use and clean up
8. Admin Report—A.D./Coach Stipend, HW 65+ plan. Winter Inter-session (discussion/Action)
Cross Country supported by Carrie Landis
Flag Football (co-ed) is going well
Spring Girls flag football
Basketball may not happen
Request for a Coaching stipend for Mr Matt
Jess motion to approve, Carrie second, all in favor, motion passes
Winter Intersession: to be open for students to burden families during winter break-
Rebecca will look into interest and planning a play/art and academic support to be funded by allocated funds and free to students
Health and Welfare 65+ Plan to support employees eligible for medicare:
provide a stipend for premiums, not to exceed the amount if they were on the school plan as taxable income
language will be provided at next meeting for approval
Motion to create the Health and Wellness 65+ stipend with language to be approved at next meeting: Scott, Jess second, all in favor, motion passes
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Scott moves to approve, Jess second, all in favor, approved
10. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to adjourn, Scott seconds, all approved. 5:33pm
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 09/10/2024
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Report out and discuss upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. 2023-24 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
11. Resolution 9.18.24 Instructional Materials EC 60119(c)(1)—Board must adopt a resolution stating that each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials (discussion/action)
12. Adjourn to Closed Session–Personnel (discussion/action)
13. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Rebecca Ivanoff, Kristen Pearce, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman, Stacey Collins, Eva Acker, Birju Bansidhar, Rebecca Schroder, Meg Hammil, Amy Palmer. Lauren
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion)
Birju: Parent discussion about smart phone use with other parents. (references research as shared in previous school bulletin) Education as- less structure and more outside time to combat societal pressures. What can we do
to support families- recommend a “Parent Pledge” (as created by one of the lead researchers). This could be presented at a PA meeting and shared via school channels to invite other families.
Follow up: Rebecca Schroder opens up the curiosity of other screen use beyond smartphones… suggested tablets, video games
This will be agendized for the next board meeting
Rebecca Ivanoff- Thank you to the board for approving Walker Creek Ranch, the students are really benefiting from the experience currently. They are excelling in the program and showing their best selves.
Amy Palmer- “Mind Up” (from Goldie Hawn) a self regulation/mindfulness training for teachers; a possible resource
5. PA Report (discussion)—Report out and discuss upcoming events
● Next event- Farm to Table Fundraiser October 19- Green Valley Farm and Mill. Seated dinner (100 people). Tickets $85 per person. Looking at insurance/liability since this is a non-school event. Looking for meat. (What is
the best way to pay the deposit, knowing that the $$ will come for tickets with out the school “paying” for it?- Rebecca will consult with legal to ensure that we will be well covered)
● Fundraising Committee- How much do we need to fundraise vs. How much would we like to fundraise? This will create a set amount for each year
i. Rebecca would like to aim for $100,000 yearly to offset the loss of funds due to smaller class sizes (including the Parent Pledge)
ii. Looking for businesses to sponsor venue and continued sponsorship
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
● Board seats are open
● What does it mean to be a board member
i. voting on things such as warrant batch, teacher salary increases, etc
ii. supporting the teachers and the mission of the school
iii. be a thinking person that participates in discussions
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
● Acorns are working in the garden, getting to know each other, and LOVE their buddies
● Anna’s Class- buddies on the bus to the library soon, patterns, sentences and handwriting
● Miss K- buddies activities: reading, garden, art; lots of garden harvest
● Miss B2- science projects, library bus trip with Matt’s class
● Matt- beginning state projects, bill of rights in cursive
● Middle school classes- at Walker Creek Ranch this week
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Scott moves to approve, Jeffery second, all approved
10. 2023-24 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
● adopted budget vs the actual earned/spent to see how the year was in actuality
● expenditure shifts, new funding sources will affect how $ is spent
● Meg asks if our savings is making money…. it is at SCOE making a little
● Scott moves to approve, Jeffery seconds, all approved
11. Resolution 9.18.24 Instructional Materials EC 60119(c)(1)—Board must adopt a resolution stating that each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials (discussion/action)
● Scott motions that we approve Resolution 60119(c)(1), Jeffery second, all approved
12. 10 minute recess
13. Adjourn to Closed Session–Personnel (discussion/action): Jesse moves to adjourn to closed session, Scott seconds, all approved
14. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to adjourn, Jeffery second, all approved 6:09pm
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted August 5, 2024
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
Corporate Officers/LLC Member Registration Update
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming Events
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—2024-25 School Year—Update and Plans
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Closes Session (discussion/action)
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
11. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Rebecca Ivanoff, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman, Nancy Le, Stacey Collins,
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): Scott moves to approve addition to admin report, Jeffery seconds, all approved
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion):
● Thank you to those who have worked all summer (Matt summer care and alumni) – Rebecca
● Thank you to those who came to the work day, campus is looking beautiful – Rebecca
● Tina (SCOE) says the yard looks wonderful and she appreciates the accessibility for her students
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
● Corporate Officers/LLC Member Registration Update: Officer positions have been updated and new forms filled out
● Nancy Le announces that today will be her last attended meeting, she is withdrawing from the board
● We should begin seeking new members
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
● Anna asked if change in after care time has been shared with families- it is in the registration paper work
● Rachel has had her baby, Wyatt
7. PA Report (discussion)—
● Amy has withdrawn from PA, might mean that there will be no Village Fest
● Upcoming Events- no dates yet, thinking of dates for Hoedown and/or Pumpkin Walk
● Bagels after Spiral Dance on the first day of school
● Family Pizza in the Park at Galvin August 23 5:30-7:30
● Next meeting- September 3
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—
● 2024-25 School Year—Update and Plans: good staff, enrollment is strong
i. Ms. Jess/ Fiona
ii. Ms. Anna/ Maria
iii. Ms. Kristen/ Lena
iv. Ms. Barnum/ Jessica
v. Mr. Matt/ Cole
vi. Ms. Rachel/ Cole
vii. Mr. Robbins/ Emma
● 2023 Education Protection Act: 23/24 EPA funds used for unrestricted instructional salaries and benefits- Jess motioned to approve, Scott second, all approved
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action):
● Can we approve to grant Carolyn clearance to pay recurring payments without monthly board approval (this allows her to pay things more timely)
i. Scott suggests that if any recurring payment changes in anyway, such as increased amount, then they need to be approved by the board
ii. Carolyn and Rebecca will work on this and will be voted on at next meeting
10. Closes Session (discussion/action): Jesse moves to adjourn, Nancy second, all approve
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
11. Adjournment (action): Jess motion to adjourn, Jesse second, all approved. 6:00pm
Wednesday, June 6, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 6/04/2024
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any
items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but
may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address
them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. 2024 LCAP/Budget Approval (discussion/action)
6. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
7. Adjournment (action)
Roll Call: Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Jeoffrey McCrackin, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman (early exit), Jess Truttman, Faithe Simpson, Kristen Pearce, Stacy Collins,
Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
Public Comments (discussion)
2024 LCAP/Budget/Dashboard Indicators Approval (discussion/action): Scott motion to approve, Jeffery second, all approved
Warrant Batch (discussion/action):
Jesse questions a reimbursement titled “endowment”- this is how we move money
Scott motion to approve, Jeffery second, all approved
Meeting dates: August 7th 4:00
Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to adjourn, no objections 4:21pm
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 6/04/2024
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
8. 2024 LCAP/Budget (discussion)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call : Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Jeoffrey McCrackin, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman (early exit), Jess Truttman, Faithe Simpson, Kristen Pearce, Stacy Collins, (late enter) Eva Acker
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): modified agenda approved (LCAP moved to #4)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
2024 LCAP/Budget (discussion)
Focus on Social/Emotional and teacher supply support
Largest goal: Conditions of Learning, Engagement, and Pupil Outcomes: academic performance (maintaining the goal)- CASP test, report cards. Teacher credentialing/professional development, etc.
Attendance and Tardy goal has not improved nor gotten worse (Independent study is to be completed at school and after school to better meet missed minutes under the direction of teacher)- this will affect our ability to receive funds for student absence
Jesse asks, what can we do policy wise to improve student attendance? Rebecca will look at other charter school’s policies regarding attendance to write into our charter.
Jeffrey asks if people can opt to pay rather than having their child do independent study? This would be legal but not entirely ethical or equally accessible.
Third Goal is related to Arts due to incoming funds (Prop 28 $): use funds to bring in support persons to build on and grow our Multicultural arts
4. Public Comments (discussion):
Carrie Landis: Why do we wait til the beginning of the school year to share classroom configuration? (Discussion) All points made, it will be released at the beginning of August
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action):
Budget/LCAP and Warrant Batch will be voted on in tomorrow’s 6/6 meeting
6. Teacher Report (discussion):
all the plays went well in each class
Last week of school is busy and happening… egg drop was rescheduled for tomorrow
Today- Campus Clean up and Ms. Ashley’s class went to TCBY
Service Project presentations will be tomorrow
Friday- games and obstacle course on the field with a water serpent followed by graduation and carnival
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising:
Getting ready for Friday’s carnival- still have some holes in sign up
planning an October-fest in September with auction
Farm to Table dinner in October
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Tabled until 6/6 meeting
10. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to adjourn Nancy second, meeting adjourned: 5:06pm
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted May 13, 2024
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—School Site Lease 2024-2, Configuration/enrollment update, LCAP/Budget/Benefits
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Closed Session (discussion/action)
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
11. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call
Carie Landis, Jeffery McKracken, Kristen Pearce, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman, Jesse Chiepa, Jess Truttman, Rebeca Ivanoff, Stacy Collins
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion)This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
Nancy: thank you to Stephanie for all of her work on the 10th annual Creek Clean Up
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
Should we begin recruiting new board members to replace graduating student parent members?- Jesse: let’s plan for August
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
Getting all the class plays scheduled for the last couple of weeks of school, 2 will be in MP building
Last week of school is packed- campus clean up, graduation rehearsal, games day and obstacle course, egg drop, last day spiral dance
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
Preparations for Malika’s retirement party
Teacher Appreciation Week next week
End of year Carnival
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—School Site Lease 2024-2, Configuration/enrollment update, LCAP/Budget/Benefits
1 year extension on our 3 year lease of the site from Piner/Olivet district was signed as superintendent is on their way out of position this year
There won’t be any second year kindergarten next year, Jess has written an additional page for enrollment/admission to support school and families in understanding our 2 year kindergarten program
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
Scott- was the bathroom called, Rebecca has attempted calls and received no response, Scott will make an attempt
Scott moves to approve, Jeffery second, all approved
10. Adjournment (action)
Jesse moves to end the meeting, Scott seconds, 5:15pm
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 4/15/24
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is
nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion
for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—2024-2025 configuration/enrollment update; LCAP and Budget dates–schedule, Walker Creek Ranch
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Closed Session (discussion/action)
Personnel–2024 school year
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
11. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Jesse Chiepa, Scott Chapman, Stacy Collins, Nancy Le, Jeffery McKraken, Carrie Landis, Jess Truttman, Rebecca Ivanoff, Scott Montrose, Rebecca Schroder, Eva Hacker
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion): none
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action): staying with 4:00 meeting time, June meeting will be June 5th
6. Teacher Report (discussion): Ashley- just released trout yesterday, 35/56; Malika and Jess getting students ready for May Day with the May pole; Kristen- finishing up Space Topics, students will teach “Sky School”
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
● Meeting date has been rescheduled for Monday, April 29th
● Supporting needs for May Day event
● Preparing for end of year graduation event
● Creek clean up raised 12,000 as of now
● This year’s shirt will feature student art
● Working on updating outdoor spaces
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—
● Rebecca asks us all to help support other parents on field trips to follow the expectation (phones away, quiet, attentive)- we may move to collecting cell phones upon arrival
● 2024-25 configuration/enrollment update: settling in, new students have been accepted, only 8 (ish) new families, lots of incoming siblings, Next year will have a TK/K, K1/K2, 1 /2, 3/4, 4 /5, 6, 7/8 this will help spread out some of the larger groups of students
● LCAP and Budget dates—schedule:
June 5th-public hearing for LCAP and budget,
June 6th-adoption of LCAP and budget
● Walker Creek Ranch- Middle school outdoor education over nights
i. Every three years
ii. Let’s look at how much we should charge per student $400 or less
iii. Jess motion to approve, Carrie second, motion passes
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Jess motion to approve, Scott second, all approved
10. Closed Session (discussion/action): Jesse moves to closed session, Nancy second, all approve
Personnel–2024 school year
Report out: Board approved hiring,
Motion to approve K2 class to move to a 3:15 dismissal beginning 24/25 school year:
Jess moves to approve, Scott second, all approve
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
11. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to adjourn, Scott seconds, all in favor: 5:38pm
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 3/7/24
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is
nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion
for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising/spirit week/month of challenges
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—2024-25 configuration/enrollment update, New Audit Contract going forward, Extended Care plans 24-25
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Closes Session (discussion/action)
Personnel/plans for 2024 school year
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
11. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Jesse Chiepa, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McKraken, Carrie Landis, Jess Truttman, Kristen Pearce, Rebecca Ivanoff, Stacey Collins, Eva Acker, Waffles
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion)
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action): Jeffery asks about gate locked- should it be? Rebecca states that the district locked it
6. Teacher Report (discussion) :
● Mr. Robbins class will share their popsicle stick towers this Village Friday, they have also been studying government
● Ms. Ashley’s class has their trout growing in their classroom
● Ms. Ashley and Ms. Kristen’s class are getting ready for their shared Farmer’s Marker after spring break
● Ms. Barnum’s class is finishing up their passion projects and going to Library tomorrow
● Acorns are wrapping up a literacy project and working on their plays
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising/spirit week/month of challenges
● Good turn out in the meetings
● Fundraising meeting is tonight
● Middle school is putting together a month of challenges for the month of /.April in gearing up for the Creek Clean-Up- Meatless Monday, Tech Free Tu/Th, Water Wednesday (drink water), Friendship Friday (build new connections, write a letter, etc.)
● Spirit Week will be the week before Creek Clean Up
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—
● There are a handful of applicants for the open teacher and aide positions
● K2 is being discussed as becoming a 3:15
● 2024-25 configuration/enrollment update: draw happened today, newly admitted families will be informed
● New Audit Contract for next 3 years: Jesse questions the increase of $1000 per year Jesse moves to approve, Scott seconds, all approved
● Extended Care plans 24-25: it is being discussed as ending at 4:30 beginning next year, weighing the effect on staff and how many students are actually using the care. Should we have families sign up for a set schedule and charge extra for drop in use?
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): keyboard replacement for Art n Soul (broken during Solstice), Jesse moves to approve, Scott second, 1 obstension, approved
10. Closed Session (discussion/action): Jesse moves to adjourn, Scott second, all approve
Personnel/plans for 2024 school year
Adjourn from Closed Session (action): Jesse move, Scott second, all approve
11. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves, Scott second, all approve: 5:40pm
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
4:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—2024-25 configuration/enrollment update, 2024-25 School Calendar, Audit Contract, LCAP Mid-Year Report, Summer Camp 2024
9. 2023-24 2nd Interim Report (discussion/action)
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
11. Closed Session (discussion/action)
Personnel, hiring procedures and plans for 2024 school year
Adjourn from Closed Session (action)
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Jesse Chiepa, Nancy Le, Jeffery McKraken, Carrie Landis, Jess Truttman, Kristen Pearce, Rebecca Ivanoff, Carolyn Jensen, Waffles, Charlie (aka baby)
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): Approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): Approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion)
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action):
• Meeting time will remain at 4:00 for at least next,
• March meeting will be March 13th adjusted for Spring Break,
• Scott Montrose is looking at rejoining the board (past member)
6. Teacher Report (discussion):
• Conferences with out minimum days has been different, but teachers are making it work,
• Farmer’s Market is coming up March 13th,
• Village Fridays- skit about Zodiac for Lunar New Year (middle school) and Miss Ashley’s boat building
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
• Lunar New Year was successful
• Next event is Creek Clean Up in April- let’s get a push for donation from businesses
• May Day will follow next
• Enrichment is a hit, full classes: funding is from volunteer and donations
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—
• 2024-25 configuration/enrollment update: lots of applicants, most likely will only enroll incoming
TK students and possibly a couple in other grades, looking at having a 5-6 and a 7-8
i. Does the board want to approve TK student siblings that we would NOT receive funding for? Discussion- are we financially able to manage the loss of funds? Rebecca says yes
ii. Jeffery moves to approve that we accept the two family siblings early for TK, Kristen second, motion passes
• 2024-25 School Calendar,
i. Jess Motion to approve school calendar for 24-25, Jeffery second, motion passes
• Audit Contract: Putting it together for April, an error was caught by SCOE that was missed by
the auditor so that will come through again for a new approval (send it electronically)
i. Jess Motion to approve: Audit will be up for re-approval in April due to found auditor mistake, Jesse second, motion passes
• LCAP Mid-Year Report: overall increase in student testing, our students are testing higher than
average, following along our budget, tardiness is way up
i. Jess Motion to approve, Jesse second, motion passes
• Summer Camp 2024- dates are posted (mostly July) run by Mr. Matt and older alumni, day/bus trips
9. 2023-24 2nd Interim Report (discussion/action): Jesse move to approve, Nancy second, motion passes
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Jess asks about bathroom lease to update the building, Rebecca will call to see what it would take and what it would cost. Jesse moves to approve, Nancy second, all approved
11. Closed Session (discussion/action): Jesse moves to approve movement to closed session, all approve
Personnel, hiring procedures and plans for 2024 school year
Adjourn from Closed Session (action) Jesse moves, Carrie second, all approve
12. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves, Kristen second, all approve 6:17 pm
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
The Village Charter School is dedicated to providing a quality education in a positive and respectful multi-age environment where world cultures are explored, our connection to nature is honored, and character development is nurtured. Our school is a place where the intellectual, imaginative, and humanitarian promise of each student is cultivated and celebrated in a community that practices mutual respect, embraces diversity, and inspires a passion for learning.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—2024-25 configuration/enrollment update, hiring procedures and plans for 2024 school year, EEF$, 2024-25 School Calendar
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Jesse Chiepa, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McKraken, Carrie Landis, Jess Truttman, Kristen Pearce, Rebecca Ivanoff, Waffles
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion) None
5. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
• Consideration for a different meeting start time, suggested 4:30
• Meeting start time moving to 4:00 from 6:00 is put to vote: Scott moves to vote, Nancy seconded,
all approved
6. Teacher Report (discussion)
• Acorns have a new small group- started with sewing
• Kristen’s class is talking about Empathy and getting ready for plays
• Ashley’s class is getting ready for student led conferences
• Ms Barnum’s class is starting Passion Projects
• Mr Robbins’ class did field games for Village Friday and are beginning their service project
• Conferences coming up (not minimum days)
7. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
• Lunar New Year- February 7th: presentation from a local group (Redwood Chinese), dumplings provided
by a family
• Not going to do bake sale, rather ask parents for snacks for testing
• Planning some afternoon enrichment activities
• Gearing up for Creek Clean-Up in April
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—2024-25 configuration/enrollment update, EEF$,2024-25 School Calendar
• Lots of applications
• Looking at configuration going into the future as changes happen
• How do we share with parents how to be flexible in child classroom placement as they get older-
suggested to have a parent panel during February to support parents in understanding the Village way
• School calendar is being worked on for approval at next meeting- looking at adjusting for conferences
and staggered campus start date, suggested to have November 1st off
• Educator Effective Funds (EEF$): should we give a small stipend to teachers that are in teacher
intern programs? It has been used for teacher trainings, but there is still quite a bit of money available ($23,000ish)
• suggested to have teachers turn in a yearly request to fairly
share $$
• Board
vote that the teachers can make a decision on how to divide the $$ fairly over the next 3 years: Jess moves to vote, Scott second, all approved
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action): Jesse moves to approve, Scott seconds, all approved
10. Closes Session (discussion/action): Jesse moves to approve, Scott seconds, all approve
• Personnel, hiring procedures and plans for 2024 school year
• Adjourn
from Closed Session (action): Jesse moves to close, Scott seconds, all approve
11. Adjournment (action): Jesse moves to close, Scott seconds, all approve 8:09pm
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. 1 st Interim Report (discussion/action)
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Review/revise fiscal section of Board Bylaws
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
9. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
10. CARS—Title 1, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program (discussion/Action)
11. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call: Jesse Chiepa, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McKraken, Carrie Landis, Jess
Truttman, Kristen Pearce, Rebecca Ivanoff, Waffles
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action): approved as distributed
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action): approved as distributed
4. Public Comments (discussion)
5. 1 st Interim Report (discussion/action)
● State revenue had a low budget, monies were moved to be in state column
● Scott asks what is ELO ParaProfessionals fund- Early Learning, used for
aide salaries
● Scott motion to approve, Jesse second, all approved
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Review/revise fiscal
section of Board Bylaws
● Jesse moves to revise board bylaws as was read aloud, Scott second, all
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
● Winter solstice prep, geared up for vacation
8. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
● Supporting winter solstice
● work happening around outdoor meeting space building
9. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
● Do we write checks for teacher gifts this year? Board agrees
10. CARS—Title 1, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program
● Scott moves to approve, Jesse second, all approved
11. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
● Jesse asks if printer is working well- it is reported to be good
● Nancy moves to approve, Scott second, all approved
12. Adjournment (action)
● Jesse move to adjourn, Scott second, all approved 7:04pm
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting
or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Report out and discuss upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call
Present -Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Kristen Pearce, Nancy Le, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Lands, Stacy Collins, Rebecca Ivanoff
2. Approval of the Agenda
with no changes All in Favor
3. Approval of Minutes
with no changes All in Favor
4. Public Comments
No public comments made.
5. PA Report
Rebecca made PA report Aztec dancers did an all-school activity to start off preparations for Dia de los Muertos (thank you to Claudia, Irma, Jaun, and Francis) and now PA is focusing on getting ready for the event on November 3rd, Flower fundraiser raised over $400; Lauren and committee are prepping for the Teacher-Staff luncheon on November.
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business
7. Teacher Report
Kristen gave an update on Parent-Teacher conferences; Kristen shared positive feedback on Aztec dancers and is hoping that VCS can continue to bring in community members to support and enhance the education around our cultural events; Kristen gave an update on Ashley’s first VCS Farmers Market It was a great success!
8. Admin Report
Rebecca reported that things are going well and in general are quiet right now. September has several deadlines for funding reports. Rebecca will be exploring how to train teachers/staff re fentanyl and gender dysphoria. Jesse offered to get staff trained in 1st Aid/Stop the Bleed and will get back to Rebecca about possible scheduling. Rebecca reported that our fundraising is on track with just over $37,000 raised to date.
9. Warrant Batch
Motion to approve: JC, Second: SC, All in Favor
10. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn 6:52 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda, but may choose to agendize items for the next
meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Report out and discuss upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. 2022-23 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
11. Resolution 9.13.23 Instructional Materials EC 60119(c)(1)—Board must adopt a resolution stating that each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials (discussion/action)
12. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts
13. Adjournment (action)
1) Roll Call
Jesse Chiepa, Nancy Le, Scott Chapman, Eva Acker, Kathy Albury, Stacy Collins, Claudia Lleva, Jeffery McKraken, Carrie Landis, Jess Truttman, Kristen Pearce, Rebecca Ivanoff
2) Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
Approved as written
3) Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
Approved as written
4) Public Comments (discussion)
• None
5) PA Report (discussion)—Report out and discuss upcoming events
• Village Fest to be discussed
• Family “buddies” done this year, same as last year
• PA has a page on website, coming up flyers once a month
• Jesse asked about committee sign ups… they are getting going
• Hoedown in 2 weeks, sign up genius has gone out for potluck
6) Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
• 3rd Wednesday
7) Teacher Report (discussion)
• 20 school days in
• Planning Field trips
• Middle School will meet Acorns before Library field trip
• Ms Ashley’s Farmer’s Market with Ms Malika’s class first on September 27 at 12:15
• Ms Barnum is doing a Monday moonlight bike ride
• Hoedown prep coming up, dance practice
• Mr. Matt and Mrs. Parent are doing Cross Country with middle schoolers (4th and 5th and maybe
other grades running club) First Meet is same day as Hoedown, but they’re going
8) Admin Report (discussion/Action)
• Another Chaperone meeting tomorrow (9.14)
• Classroom configuration has a nice balance
• Joint recess has been enjoyable to watch, playing soccer
• Teachers are working on mandatory trainings-sexual harassment, mandatory reporter, etc., almost
complete, $300 stipend for training hours
• Flower Power- seed and bulb fundraiser. 50% of profits go to school. Fall option (goes to mid
October) and Spring option. Low responsibility
• Jesse moves, Scott second, motion passes unanimously
• Let’s look at clothing collection fundraiser again for this year
9) Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
• Scott questions insurance- it was an adjustment to a teacher’s insurance
• Jesse question chromebook tax rate- varying rates
• Amazon purchases making itemized payments- difficult for Village Card
• DTF- program charge
• Jesse moves to approve, Scott seconds, all approve
10) 2022-23 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
• Carrying over $540.000
• Fundraiser and Extended care bringing in revenue
• Pledge is set at $90.000 for the year, we will see actuals
• Jesse moves to approve, Scott seconds, approved unanimously
11) Resolution 9.13.23 Instructional Materials EC 60119(c)(1)
Board must adopt a resolution stating that each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials (discussion/action)
• Jesse moves to adopt the resolution
• Nancy seconds
• Motion passes unanimously
12) Adjourn to Closed Session
—Personnel and Contracts
• Jesse moves to strike from agenda, not needed
• Approved
13) Adjournment (action)
• Meeting closed 6:56pm
Public Hearing—LCAP and Budget
Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda, but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)
6. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
7. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
8. Teacher Report (discussion)
9. Admin Report (discussion/Action) Reserve Transparency Disclosure
10. LCAP and 2023-24 Budget (discussion/action)
11. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action)
12. Report out from Closed Session
13. Adjournment (action)
- Roll Call
Rebecca Ivanoff, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman, Nancy Le, Stacey Collins, - Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
approved as distributed. - Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
approved as distributed. - Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak. - PA Report (discussion):
Good-bye to Kushins family, some planning for next year- committees for different areas of PA work- parent ambassador, live “google calendar” of events. - Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
Jess moves, Jeffery second, approved unanimously. - Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
a. Jess suggests/offers to move into teacher seat on the board, leaving a space for another parent or community member.
b. Kristen suggests we rotate each trimester to give other teachers time to experience a board meeting.
c. Jesse counters that it would be better to serve a year, so we don’t switch out during muti-meeting discussions in closed session.
d. Decision to be made by August. - Teacher Report (discussion)
Lots of plays the last couple of weeks, gearing up for last day school, middle school egg drop was yesterday (name egg, give it a motto), last all school music rehearsal for graduation song, spiral dance on Friday morning, campus clean up today-Stephanie lead groups (children were on task and excited), Ms. Kristen’s class are showing their endangered animal dioramas, Mr. Robbins’ class made arcade games, carnival on Friday
a. Kristen thanks board for insurance voteli. - Admin Report (discussion/Action)
5 graduates this year- journals gifted and other rituals/traditions, enjoy seeing past graduates on campus this week, added another Ist grader today, enrollment looks solid. Will plan for some workdays this summer. - LCAP and 2023-24 Budget & Reserve Transparency Disclosure (discussion/action)
Scott moves to approve, Jeffery second, motion passes unanimously. - Adjourn to Closed Session- Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action)
NONE NEEDED - Adjournment (action)
Jesse moves to adjourn, Scott seconds, ends 7:08pm
Public Hearing LCAP and Budget
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Annual LCAP (discussion)
11. 2023-24 Budget (discussion)
12. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action)
13. Report out from Closed Session
14. Adjournment (action)
1) Roll Call
Rebecca Ivanoff, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman, Nancy Le, Stacey Collins, Eva Ecker
2) Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
approved as distributed
3) Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
Jesse moves to approve, Scott seconds, all approve
4) Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5) PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
- Village Fest Canceled- will move to August (8.27.23 1-4pm)
- Will consider not having a family pizza party in August
6) Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
- Question about theft… Jeffrey- is there anything else we can do? Cameras? Lights?
- Grounds maintenance is good, will do more this summer
7) Teacher Report (discussion):
- Thank you for the appreciations this week
- Testing will complete this week
- 15/16 more days, lots to do… graduation, carnival
- Field trips- SF and Glow Night middle schoolers, Malika walk,
8) Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9) Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
- Question: IT? SCOE Aeries (etc) payment
- Jesse move to approve, Scott second, motion passes
10) Annual LCAP (discussion)
- We are in 3rd year of LCAP
- DTS service has made it easier to keep of with changes
- $$ goes to Aides, extended care, give to families as needed for care
- Basic operating costs and People are our 2 main costs
- Moving toward goals of Social Emotional and Academic improvements- testing shows our children are academically excelling.
- Question from Stacey: Absenteeism? Illness, Family Trips
11) 2023-24 Budget (discussion)
- Materials and Supplies- Curriculum $1,500; each class gets supply $
- Increases in Oversight fee due to enrollment increase
- Insurance will go up
- Special Ed increases with increase in enrollment and yearly
- Biggest impact will be in salaries, including proposal for increase in health and welfare benefits
- We are still “in the black”
12) Adjourn to Closed Session
Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action): Jesse moves, Scott seconds, approve to closed session
13) Report out from Closed Session
Jesse moves, Scott seconds, all approve
14) Adjournment (action)
adjourn 9:07pm
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Creek Clean-a-Thon, Village Fest, School Dance, Carnival
6. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
7. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action) Early Childhood Longitudinal Study
8. Teacher Report (discussion)
9. 2023-24 Calendar Final Approval (discussion/action)
10. Admin Report (discussion/Action) Configuration Update, LCAP, Testing
11. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action)
12. Report out from Closed Session
13. Adjournment (action)
1) Roll Call
Rebecca Ivanoff, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman, Nancy Le, Claudia Leiva, Stacey Collins, Carolina Herrea, Alvaro Estrada, Amy Miller, Faithe Simpson
2) Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
approved as written
3) Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
approved as written
4) Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
Claudia thanks everyone (families and board) for support and participation during and leading up to the Cesar Chavez event
5) PA Report (discussion)—Creek Clean-a-Thon, Village Fest, School Dance, Carnival
Creek Clean Up this weekend- still collecting coins
Village Fest- May 6th
Teacher Appreciation- week of May 15th… saving to discuss after event preparation
School Dance- May 19th, should we keep this to a school only event (no outside guests or siblings), will this be a family event or a drop off/chaperone event
6) Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
Jesse move to approve, Scott second, motion passes
7) Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study: Jeffrey motion to vote, Scott second, all “no”, we will not participate.
8) Teacher Report (discussion):
Kristen’s notes- thank you Claudia, PA, and board for the Cesar Chavez festival. Mr. Robbins class play was funny and enjoyed by all, Ms. Ashley’s class released fish, Tall Ships tomorrow, Ms. Kristen’s class going to Cal Academy of Science, Ms. Malika’s all species parade, thank you to families helping with the monthly garden club. Malika is looking for one more field trip. SRJC tour trip will not happen.
9) 2023-24 Calendar Final Approval (discussion/action)
Jesse moves to table, Scott second, all approve. Missing information, will approve remotely
10) Admin Report (discussion/Action)
Configuration Update- we are full! 116 students, averaging 12-13 per grade
LCAP- plan to approve in May, 3 year cycle on year 3
State Testing- starts next week (Wednesday) getting introduced, then into the following week into second week of May. Emma works with middle school, Ms. Parent will support other grades. Provide them extra snacks and lots of breaks.
11) Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action):
Jesse moves to adjourn, Nancy second
12) Report out from Closed Session
7:58pm all approve
13) Adjournment (action)
Jesse moves to adjourn, all approve
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. 2023-24 Calendar (discussion/action)
9. Admin Report (discussion/Action) Configuration, UTK, COLA/Insurance
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
11. 2nd Interim Report (discussion/action)
12. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action)
13. Report out from Closed Session
14. Adjournment (action)
Roll Call
Rebecca Ivanoff, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman,
Kristen Pearce, Nancy Le, Stacey Collins
Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
Jess moves to approve Second Jeffery, passes
Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
Passes as written
Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the
agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for
the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
Lauren Kushins- shares feelings about comments made on the vote last month on Cesar Chavez event that
it is part of our fundamental curriculum- Diversity. Also, school safety is of concern from hearing that guns
are being discussed on school campus. Unacceptable for these discussions to occur on campus, to keep our
children safe. We must fight to uphold our tenants to preserve the school.
Amber Napolean- seconds Lauren’s feelings of upholding the tenants.
Meg Hammil- would like to support the school in diversity, real diversity, as one of the tenants. Report of
murmurings of campus happenings.
Alvaro (Lucas’s Dad)- appreciates the time spent working along side other parents in support of the school.
Disappointed to hear that people questioned Cesar Chavez event. Curious about talk of guns. Supporting the
fight to uphold school’s multicultural mission
Carolina- echo previous messages. Appreciates the school’s value of diversity, celebrating differences.
Faith- echo previous messages. Appreciates the celebration of diversity, makes us special and unique. Would
be concerned if school were aiming to steer a new direction.
Rebecca- Appreciates having families join today to discuss. Also appreciates and works to uphold diversity
mission. Looking at the “pyramid of hate” to prevent repeating acts of hate. Concerned about the safety of our
children, knowing that children hear and see everything. Support our school by speaking up, be a community.
Eva- Echos previous comments. Concerned about cell phones and smart watches on campus.
Gabe Fortuna- Concerned about elimination of Cesar Chavez event or speakers. Supports having/adding more
speakers to educate our children. Shares love for our great school.
Meg Hammil- shares how her children were impacted by visit of the Holocaust surviver and inspired more
family discussion.
Jesse- Board is in charge of funding.
Gabe- would we consider reaching out to families if we were ever not able to afford a speaker related to our
school tenants?
PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
Gearing up for Friday’s “kick off”- bring change and wear green, Stephanie will share with families about
Creek Clean Up 8:45-9am
Cesar Chavez, Creek Clean Up, Village Fest, Staff Appreciation- all coming up next! Families needed to
support theses event.
March 28th Javier Gusman- local historian will visit our students
Mariachis at the Cesar Chavez Festival, still looking for a flatbed truck- possibly of Scott
supporting this need
Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
Teacher Report (discussion)
Spring Break next week
Cesar Chavez- classes have been practicing
3rd trimester, progress reports are mostly out, grateful for flexibility in getting them out
Plays throughout the classrooms March 31st Mr Robbins Play
Configuration is in progress
Irish Choir concert is tomorrow
Trout release (Ms Ashley’s class)
Water agency will visit school in April
Field Trips- Tall Ships, reschedule trip to SRJC
Flow into last month of school and testing
2023-24 Calendar (discussion/action)
Trying to match up with other schools in the county
Jeffery asks about Middle School hours- possibility of 4th-8th grade long days for conferences
Amber asks days off matching North West Prep, can we look at that
Waiting on some other districts
Shifting dates to support family holidays
Admin Report (discussion/Action) Configuration, UTK, COLA/Insurance
Configuration is big focus for now. Plan to share with families of enrollment this week for TK-
K/1, later for older grades.
Looking at an increase in salary/wages and address better health insurance options for teachers
Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
Jesse move to approve Jess second, all approve
2 nd Interim Report (discussion/action)
Jesse move to approve, Scott second, all approve
Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and Contracts (discussion/action)
Jesse move to approve, Scott second
Report out from Closed Session
Adjournment (action)
Jesse moves, Scott second, session closed 8:20pm
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—Gearing up for 23-24—Tours, configuration, UTK, COLA/Insurance discussion.
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and contracts (discussion/action)
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
M i n u t e s
1. Roll Call:
• Rebecca Ivanoff, Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Jeffery McCracken, Carrie Landis, Jesslyn Truttman, Kristen Pearce, Nancy Le, Stacey Collins (arrived mid agenda)
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
• Rebecca requests add of missing “Audit Report” to Admin Report Jesse move, Scott second, all approved
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
• All approved
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
• March Spirit Week to open up service month, coin collection
• Field Trip to SRJC for middle schoolers week of March 27th
• April 6th Cesar Chavez Festival, Mariachi Band, Anthony Chavez to visit/participate
• April 22nd Creek Clean Up
• Village Fest
• Meetings will move to Monday mornings following Village Circle
• Discussion: PA wants to develop their own funds for events, Jesse suggests option for reimbursement similar to “Teacher Supplies”, Rebecca suggests keeping toward paying only for “needs”, Nancy supports having “Event budgets”
• Approval Needed: $$ donation to Anthony Chavez for day/festival- Jesse moves to approve, Carrie second, motion passes 6-1
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
• None
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
• Conferences going well, some including children
• Discussion: Stacey asks about “child-lead” conferences. Jesse, Jess share their experience with child-lead conference pros/cons
• Festival preparation, it’s been awhile since the last Cesar Chavez Festival
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—21-22 Audit Report, Gearing up for 23-24—Tours, configuration, UTK, COLA/Insurance discussion.
• Over 40 applicants, getting ready for tours starting next week followed by configuration
• What to do with children that miss the age cutoff? Can we include them? Jesse asks about insurance, Rebecca will follow up
• Action Item- Tall Ships: Jess moves to approve, Scott second, action passes unopposed
• Action Item- Shell Beach: Jess moves to approve, Scott second, action passes unopposed
• Action Item- Audit Report 21-22: Scott move to approve, Jeffery second, action passes unopposed
• Action Item- Audit Contract for 22-23 Audit Selection: Jess move to approve, Scott second, Motion passes unopposed
• Rebecca passed on a longitudinal study email to Jesse to research and bring to the board
• Rebecca has visited Windsor School District to discuss Special Ed services, building new relationships. We pay per percentage, not per use. Will later discuss other options for Special Ed Services, such as consult
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
• Jesse moves to approve, Nancy second, motion approves unopposed
10. Adjourn to Closed Session—Personnel and contracts (discussion/action)
• Jesse moved to approve, Nancy second, unanimously adjourned to closed session
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
• 8:18pm
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—Gearing up for 23-24—Calendar, tours, configuration, UTK, COLA/Insurance discussion
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjourn to Closed Session—Board membership vote (discussion/action)
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call:
● Board Members Present: Jesse Chieppa, Scott Chapman, Rebecca Ivanoff, Nancy Le, Jessalyn
Truttman, Deneene Bell Absent: Carrie Landis, Kristen Pearce
● Community Members present: Claudia Leyva, Stacey Collins
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
● Approved as distributed.
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
● Approved as distributed.
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the
agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for
the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
● No comments.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events
● Claudia reports that the morning meeting was well attended, so they will not continue to offer an
afternoon meeting.
● Decision to cut down on festivals.
● Cesar Chavez Festival new date: Th, April 6
● Creek Cleanup: April 22
● Village Fest: May 6
● Teacher Appreciation Week: Potentially the week of May 15, Simplified version (3 instead of 5
● PA has really been trying to tie in the service we do with Creek Cleanup with the celebration of
Cesar Chavez, maybe extend to include MLK Jr. + Dolores Huerta — a period of curriculum that
reflects that unification Feb-April; Community was invited on VCS website to review service
opportunities in the community; Rebecca adds the idea that students share at Village Fridays, the
service that they are involved in.
● SoCo Museum has an exhibit of the bracero program, migrant farm workers and they are willing
to come to the school to present or have kids come to the museum = a focus on history and art.
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
● Deneene will be stepping down from the Board.
● Jesse moves we put out a vacancy notice. Scott seconds. All in favor.
● Stacey Collins has applied to join the Board. Group discussion and direct questioning about her
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
● Teachers are settling in after break and preparing for festivals and field trips for spring and end of
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)—Gearing up for 23-24—Calendar, tours, configuration, UTK,
COLA/Insurance discussion
● Open Enrollment time, tours coming up in February.
● Configuration will be a big topic, approach to Preschool/TK program v. 2-year kindergarten.
● Calendar work for next year = mimic this years calendar with some modifications. Keeping week
off for Thanksgiving. Liked the teacher work day after Spring Break. Additional awareness and
schedule shifts around holiday and festival conflicts. First day of school = W August 16, 2023
● Considering ways to offer more quality options of medical insurance for teachers, with a COLA
or other plans and benefit packages. Research other options: e.g., Medi-Share
● PPP update: $73,000 pledged | $36,000 currently collected. Halfway at the halfway point.
● Internet getting updated campus-wide. Currently substandard.
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
● Motion to approve: Jesse
● Second: Scott
● All in favor.
10. Adjourn to Closed Session—Board membership vote (discussion/action)
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda, but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events, Solstice, and fundraising
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Volunteer/Chaperone Policy
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. UPK Proposal (discussion/Action)
10. 1st Interim Budget Report (discussion/Action)
11. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call
Board Members present: Jesse Chieppa, Jeffrey McCracken, Jesslyn Truttman, Nancy Le, Kristen Pearce, Rebecca Ivanoff, Carrie Landis, Deneene Bell
Community Members present: Claudia Leyva, Stacey Collins
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
Approved as distributed.
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
Approved as distributed.
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda
but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
● No comments.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events, Solstice, and fundraising
- This week tried two PA meetings morning/afternoon (4pm) as an experiment, and it was successful so will continue to do so to capture more parents and provide more opportunity.
- PA is looking for volunteers for drop-off in the morning.
- Dollars for denim fundraiser had good participation from families. Due to that enthusiasm, the PA is envisioning an idea for a big clothing swap and getting more families to participate.
- Working on more fundraising ideas to raise funds for more space and organization for festival items to make it easier and more accessible for volunteers. Wish list = bins and a shed to put them in. A second shed could also be useful for PE equipment.
- There is excitement around the festivals coming up in the new year, but there is a lot of work to
do, so planning and discussion is happening around that. (3/31 Cesar Chavez; 4/22 Creek Cleanup; Village Fest 5/6; TBD Spring Potluck.
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Volunteer/Chaperone Policy
- Board will follow recommendations by insurance company for volunteers as is set for employees:
- Persons volunteering to drive on field trips: a mandated 10-year passage of time from conviction for DUI, reckless driving, etc.
- Discussion of reinstituting policy of looking up DMV record for other driving infractions to consider safety of driver—at-fault accidents, suspended license, 3+points within 3 years, etc.
- Chaperones: any felony convictions, regardless of when, you can volunteer and participate but must be under direct supervision of certificated staff but cannot drive on field trips.
- Rebecca will integrate into handbook.
- Will agendize consideration of Stacey Collins as a Board member for January.
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
- Solstice Festival is on Friday 12/16, then 2-week vacation, including the Monday after the new year for teacher prep.
- Classes are singing and practicing together and there is a lot of overlap and a theme and everyone is working together well to prepare.
- Rebecca expressed gratitude for the evolution of our festivals.
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
- Auditor is ill with Covid and so we filed an extension for the audit, which was approved. New due date is 1/31/2023
- The homeless population has also still been coming onto campus. City came out and mowed
down the tall weeds in the land next door to remove cover for any encampments but left the garbage and have not come back to pick it up yet.
9. UPK Proposal (discussion/Action)
- Discussion of proposal written and distributed by Jesslyn, also the proposed teacher –including program design, cost, benefits. (See attached.)
- Motion to approve: Jesse
- Second: Nancy
- All in favor.
- Rebecca reports that VCS has surplus funds in savings.
10. 1st Interim Budget Report (discussion/Action)
● Motion to approve: Deneene
● Second: Jesse
● All in favor.
11. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
● Motion to approve: Jesse
● Second: Jesslyn
● All in favor.
12. Adjournment (action)
● Adjourned without objection.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events, Solstice, and fundraising
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Discuss board vacancy
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjourn to Closed Session (action)
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call
Board Members Present: Deneene Bell, Scott Chapman, Jesse Chieppa, Rebecca Ivanoff, Carrie Lands, Nancy Le, Kristen Pearce, Jeffrey McCracken, Jesslyn Truttman Community Member Present: Eva Acker; Stacey Collins
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
Unanimously approved as distributed.
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
Unanimously approved as distributed.
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting
or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
• No comments.
5. PA Report (discussion) – Upcoming events, Solstice, and fundraising
Discussion of plans and dates for upcoming festivals: Winter Festival 2022 Spring/Earth Day Creek Cleanup 2023, Cesar Chavez Day 2023 Much planning and talking about filling clothing donation bins and sustaining that project
through the end of the year. Desire to do two PA sponsored potlucks (potentially after the new year) not combined with a festival to allow families to meet and mingle and build community. Eva asks for advice/guidance on needs
around Lost + Found and cleaning of the staff room and music/computer room
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
-Discuss board vacancy
Tentatively opening vacant spot (Ashley’s seat) in February. Eva and Stacey Collins are interested. June is the next Open Enrollment meeting. Interest needs to be expressed in April.
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
Much of the classroom populations are out due to illness. Teachers are discussing Winter Festival and how to weave the theme between classes; 3 weeks of prep before it arrives.
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
25 percent of the whole student population is out due to illness. Trying to keep up on Independent Study packets so ADA continues to come in. Campus has been dealing with the unhoused population adjacent to campus – there has been a presence on campus and there have been some break-ins. They are seeking shelter, building shelter, breaking into the NWP and YMCA tool sheds. They are starting fires, leaving drug paraphernalia in the field. Borrowing clothes from the bins, using books to start fires. NWP classrooms have been broken into; food and electronics are missing, things left a mess and out of place. The authorities are not providing any proactive help at this point. Sheriff showed up to address the current issue tonight, during the meeting.
Update: Sheriffs allowed homeless in the encampment to stay there for the night and clean up in the morning. Advised them to share with the other people using the park for housing to stay off the school campus. Still a bit of confusion between SR Parks Dept and Sheriff Dept on whose jurisdiction. Sheriff says they will be the quickest response, despite what “side of the fence” they’re on. Sheriff will return tomorrow morning to check that the situation has been remedied.
Continued research into integrating required TK classroom – potential for having a 10-student morning-based classroom, predominately outdoor. We could then accommodate that grade level without integrating them into our K classrooms. Jesslyn will write up a proposal for teachers and to help facilitate the decision. Online Quickbooks for Extended Care is now in use to facilitate PGP billing and payments.
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
Motion to approve: Deneene Second: Scott All in favor
10. Adjourn to Closed Session (action)
• Adjourned without objection.
11. Report out from Closed Session
12. Adjournment (action)
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. PA Report (discussion)—Upcoming events and fundraising
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)—Discuss board vacancy
7. Teacher Report (discussion)
8. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
9. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
10. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call:
Present-Jesse C., Jesslyn T, Nancy L., Scott C., Carrie, L., Jeffery Mc., Rebecca I.
bsent-Kristen P., Deneene B.
Community-Stacy C.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Motion to accept agenda with the addition of a closed session: Jesse/2 nd Scott/ All in Favor
3. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve minutes from the 9/13/22: Jesse/2 nd Scott/ All in Favor
4. Public Comments
Nancy Le made a request to have Emma add Ms. Parent to the teacher tab on the website.
Nancy Le updated the board on the collaboration between RV TK classroom and her TK-1 st grade classroom and how well the inclusion efforts are going. Rebecca added that Bonnie is sending students to the SCOE classroom as well.
5. PA Report
Stacy discussed the planning for the Hoedown scheduled for Friday night.
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business
The board reviewed the bylaws and requirements for filling a vacancy. A motion was made to fill the current vacancy before June: Jesse/2 nd Jeffery/All in Favor
The board directed Rebecca to advertise the opening and requirements to the public via our weekly bulletin and website.
7. Teacher Report
Rebecca informed the board of a new substitute added and otherwise stated that all is going well.
8. Admin Report
Rebecca reported that she has been reviewing the CSSP and working with Adam from NWP to ensure that our plan is functional and serves the safety needs of our younger students, especially in the event of a lock down and active shooter situation. No action needed, just a discussion.
9. Warrant Batch
Motion to approve the warrant batch: Scott/2 nd Jesslyn/All in Favor
10. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn with the tabling of closed session until the November meeting: Jesslyn/2 nd Nancy/All in Favor
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
7. PA Report (discussion)
8. Teacher Report (discussion)
9. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
– Educator Effectiveness Funds
– Instructional Materials—EC Section 60119(c)(1)—Board must adopt a resolution stating that each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials.
– CONApp and CARS-Review
– UPK Planning and Implementation
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
11. Medical Benefits: cash in-lieu of option for eligible employees (discussion/action)
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call:
● Board Members present: Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Rebecca Ivanoff, Kristen Pearce, JeffreyMcCracken, Scott Chapman, Nancy Le, Jessalyn Truttman, Ashley Hamlett, Deneene Bell
● Community Members present: Claudia Leiva
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
● Approved as distributed.
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
● Approved as read.
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda
but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
● Citing trespassers seen on campus in the evenings, Nancy expresses and reinforces the need for late-working teachers and anyone else on campus in the later hours to be aware of their surroundings when leaving and to walk
with someone else out to the parking lot when possible.
5. 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
● Rebecca gives introduction and overview of the unaudited actuals, passes around full document with summary and line items.
● Motion to approve: Jesse
● Second: Scott
● All in favor.
6. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
● Ashley announces her resignation from the Board.
● Considering this potential vacancy on the Board, Jesse will agendize this for next meeting, the Board will discuss possibilities and vote on desired course of action: e.g., possibility to fill vacancy with a PA member.
7. PA Report (discussion)
● Claudia reports the desire for the PA to be more involved and integrated on the Board level.
● There are three parents working to uphold the PA: Claudia Leiva, Lauren Racusin + Amy Palmer
● First Th of the month are the PA meetings. First meeting was a good turnout.
● Current planning focused around first festival: Hoedown
● PA rep will also be attending the Teacher’s Meeting
● Claudia states that there are many parents and families who began Village during Covid distance learning, so many families are excited for the new experience of festivals and there are many interested in participating.
● Hoedown will be on 10/21. Next festival to follow is Winter Solstice.
● Rebecca mentions Boox Fundraiser: Donate gently used clothing for donations.
● Parents really expressed the need to connect with each other, so Claudia reports that a Family Picnic has been planned where VCS families can gather and meet.
● Rebecca reports that just over $70,000 has been pledged via the PGP.
● Rebecca also reports that the school had a fingerprint service come to fingerprint families wanting to volunteer in classrooms and on field trips.
8. Teacher Report (discussion)
● Kristen reports that a month in, teachers seem to be finding their groove, including having Ms. Parent back and in her full capacity as science and PE teacher for all classrooms.
Kids are enjoying those activities.
● First few weeks were difficult dealing with teacher and student absences, short weeks, and extreme heat, so this week iss the first full, “regular” week of school.
● Copy machine is down, which has been difficult. It’s been more disrupting than one would think. Machine is from HP, mechanic is from North Bay Copier. Decision will be made what to do moving forward — whether to purchase
new through NB w/new service contract or purchase one on our own.
● Teachers are bringing the community back together with Village Fridays!
9. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
● Rebecca reports that we have until 2024-25 to spend the Educator Effectiveness Funds. Can be, and ideally will be, applied to cover salaries, intern teacher work.
● Motion to approve use of funds: Scott
● Second: Deneene
● All in favor.
● STATEMENT: Per Ed Code Section 60119(c)(1), each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials.
● Motion to approve statement: Deneene
● Second: Jesse
● All in favor.
● CONApp and CARS-Review: Board members individually reviewed associated documents (e.g., Homeless education policy. Protected prayer policy. Application for funding.)
● Motion to approve documents and plans as presented: Jesse
● Second: Ashley
● All in favor.
● UPK Planning and Implementation : Discussion of Pre-K / K plan, space, and criteria, phasing in 4-year-olds by 2025-26.
● Plan approved to meet the requirements and guidelines as applicable unanimously without objection.
10. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
● Motion to approve: Scott
● Second: Jesse
● All in favor.
11. Medical Benefits: cash in-lieu of option for eligible employees (discussion/action)
● Discussion of possibilities and limitations of such an option.
● Motion adopt a cash in lieu of option for eligible employees subject to the requirements to be effective October 1: Jesse
● Second: Nancy
● All in favor.
12. Adjournment (action)
● Meeting adjourned without objection
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
6:00 P.M.
2590 Piner Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Posted 8/8/22
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
5. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
6. 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
7. Board Report, Membership, and Business (discussion/action)
8. PA Report (discussion)-Orientations and 1 st Day of School Planning
9. Teacher Report (discussion)
10. Admin Report (discussion/Action)
11. Closed Session-Employee Contracts
12. Adjournment (action)
1. Roll Call
● Board members present: Deneene Bell, Scott Chapman, Jesse Chieppa, Carrie Landis, Nancy Le, Jeffrey McCracken, Kristen Pearce, Jesslyn Truttman
● Board members absent: Ashley Hamlett
● Community members present: Stacey Collins
2. Approval of the Agenda (discussion/action)
● Motion to strike #6 from the agenda: Rebecca
● Motion to approve this change: Jesse
● Second: Nancy
● All in favor.
3. Approval of Minutes (discussion/action)
● Approved as distributed.
4. Public Comments (discussion)
This is an opportunity for the community to address the Board of Directors regarding any items not on the agenda. The Board may not discuss items which are not on the agenda
but may choose to agendize items for the next meeting or direct the Administrator to address them. Each person will have five minutes to speak.
● None.
5. Warrant Batch (discussion/action)
● Motion to approve: Jesslyn
● Second: Scott
● All in favor.
6. REMOVED from AGENDA — 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals (discussion/action)
● Still awaiting final version of documents, so action cannot be taken and item removed from agenda.
● Unaudited Actuals must be approved by Sept 15.|
● Special Board Meeting set for September 13, 6pm to capture approval of Unaudited Actuals and cover usual business.
7. Board Report, Membership, and Business
● Bylaws edited and unanimously approved at previous session.
8. PA Report (discussion)-Orientations and 1st Day of School Planning
● VCS All-School Mandatory Orientation 6-8pm
● Board members encouraged to attend and meet, answer questions for the community
● Next campus cleanup Sunday, 8/14
9. Teacher Report (discussion)
● All teachers excited for and getting ready for 1st day of school next week.
● Individual back to school nights for classrooms TBD.
● Malika asks if we can emphasize “greening” our events/campus = families bringing their own dinnerware to events; refining classroom/whole-school recycling practices.
10. Admin Report (discussion)
● Discussion of staffing changes and additions.
● Discussion of this year’s enrichment programs and (re)integration of hiking field trips, science exploration.
● Discussion of enrollment. Current enrollment: 95.
● Covid protocols still the same as in June.
11. Closed Session-Employee Contracts
● Jesse moves to adjourn to closed session without objection.
12. Adjournment (action)
● Jesse moves to adjourn without objection.
Village Charter School
Board of Directors
Jesse Chieppa
Vice Chair / Interim Treasurer
Scott Chapman
Teacher Rep
Kristen Pearce
Jesslyn Truttman
Carrie Landis
Nancy Le
Jeffrey McCracken
Stacey Collins